Sunday, May 01, 2005

Sunday Nite

A great day at the Baptist Church today. The building is very old and...painted pink inside. With purple trim. Oh, and the paint was peeling off of the ceiling in big sections.

Amusing but...Irrelevant. The sermon was excellent, they focus on the work of Christ and salvation when they have communion, (not to say that isn't the point the rest of the time, just more focused). Romans 8 and II Cor. 5. Rather convicting, as I often find communion to be.

My communion cup had a very slow leak in it. I cupped my hand under it and, I am afraid to admit, paid more attention to the rate of loss - how much more was he going to say before we could partake-and the probability of actually getting any grape juice IN me. Thankfully I still had over half left when we, in unison, partook.

They sang all hymns and I loved that. A new one for them was "Arise My Soul Arise", but I knew it and sang out!

The friends of the Tyler's, (Chris and Sherry), were very good to me and had me over for the afternoon. Chris and I made lunch and managed to set the smoke detector off while frying bacon, so he closed the door to the detector and opened the outside door. Several minutes passed, finally Chris realized that the bread toasting in the oven was black and making a ton of smoke! We went to the beach for a little while and I managed to find a gift left by a dog. I did not realize this wonderful addition to my day until I got back to the hotel and was taking my shoes off. Got both of them. Stink!

Time to wind down! (on that note?)

Back to the grind tomorrow, but first perhaps some Apple Crisp and a hot shower? (in succession not simultaneously).


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