Thursday, May 12, 2005

The simple things!

Hello All,

I am relishing: clear blue skies that hurt my eyes, fillet mignon, (medium, thank-you) with Gargonzola cheese? - I hate gargonzola cheese! But I enjoyed every last juicy, tender morsal, mmmmm! (I even savoured the BLUE CHEESE in my salad - what has happened to me?)

Oh, I am celebrating beds large enough to sleep in, showers where the water runs the whole time, ceilings I don't smack my head on, unhurried meals and... freedom!

To the tune of "These are a few of my favorite things":

Not hearing snorers, or whacking my noggin,
Fresh air and clean clothes, (that don't smell really rotton)
Big beds to sleep in, with sheets smooth and white,
These are a few treats that bring me delight!

When the air stinks, when I start to think-
"What am I doing here?"
I simply remember my favorite things,
and long for the coming pier!

Thank-you, Thank-you!



Blogger emilie said...

Wow Adam - you are... brilliant. I love the new lyrics and I just know Julie Andrews would love them too.
Blue cheese... it sounds disgusting but I am hungry so it almost appeals. Hmm.
Are you back yet?

5:27 PM  

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