Thursday, September 22, 2005

A Life of Transitions

Hello all,

It seems my life is rarely boring. Thankfully, just when one series of exciting events concludes another series starts. Today I am thinking of my home and the folks I have been priviledged to share it with over the past few weeks. First my parents came and visited for a week. We went to Snoqualmie Falls, we blew a hole in the back of my house and replaced the sliding door, we visited and visited...

Then, the very day that I dropped my folks off at the airport E L & M's mom and dad moved in. "How cool is that?" Due to the fact that both moms cook exceptionally well I have been setting a record for consecutive days eating healthy food. So having cleaned the slopped cottage cheese off of my keyboard, I make my first post in ages...While looking forward to another transition this evening, when choir starts again - without the comfort of Paul's dynamic leadership.

Time to get back to the cottage cheese. One parting thought though:

Check out the link to the right that says "Backpacking Adventures". Pictures from the 3 treks that Grant and I organized this summer, (with some wonderful people) have begun to appear there, with more to follow. (Did I mention we found an Ent on our last hike?) You saw it there first!
