Sunday, July 31, 2005

What is it... a Calvinist?

What a great trip to Ohio! Including the obligatory theology discussions my visit with pals from college went wonderfully. It is great to have friends that do not change and go away with time! John's kids were a blast too. By the end of the weekend Buck and I were no longer, "this guy" and "that guy"!

Thanks Stefanie for planning this!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Never to young to start!

Mommy said he has to wait another 20 years, but Agent Orange looked ready to go to me! Now if I could just reach those handlebars! If you zoom in you can just make out his two front teeth.

The picture on the left got uncle in a bit of trouble, that is until I pointed out the red-sleeved arm! The agent had just finished drooling on the tank.

The right hand picture required mom's assistance, she is hiding on the far side and holding one foot.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Agent Orange in the House!

Hail the dirty diaper, sing the wonders of googles and squeals of delight! For a one week engagement only: "Bachelor Manor" is showing the ever famous "agent orange". Catch him before he is gone! Get your customized 7 month old drool/spitup stain on your favorite clothes! Change a dirty diaper, the crowd goes wild. Watch him flirt with the ladies! See him scoot across the floor. Or best yet the thrill of the day: The 'Continuing Adventures of Naked Boy!' Todays adventure- the daily bath in the sink. "I was getting my evening bath when the call came in...duty calls mom, gotta go! Off to save the world!"

Adam (can you buy one of these guys on E-bay?)